Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Time for a break,

Hello world!I am back to update! (:
Did you guys miss me? Ha ha, wahlao i'm like leaving tmr lahhh. Sad man! But come to think of it, at least i can take a break and get far far away from this world.
Despite getting no sleep for more than 24hours, got up and meet my girls at town.
Actually, we should say that we're only there for dinner and look at extensions. Ha ha

I fking love this girl here.
Okay, i love both of them. (:

Then it's down to Haji Lane to meet MadeleineL and Priscilla.

Er-hum. Not suitable for ages 18 and below.
Nicole sibei relax sio.
Taoyan! Angela keep on snapping me. LOL

I don't know what's she's trying to do with that... lol

I did not expect to see such nice graffiti in sg lor!

Cabbed down to Pasir Ris to meet Kraven and Ak aftermath.

MadeleineL and NicoleY got really high, for no reason. Hahaha, great entertainers!<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiS4FtgDOBMKY-7Y6NUo-BeoPvMYMZbEAb9SHU5SxC6IC7W-OHUUvB5PPT99nyss4VMkLRmJhtFoeiTRdC3oMOtuTnTXTB6FXfnUW0T88CnHr0Alixtjc5H8k9qIStM_5qx7ezd/s1600-h/P1010101.JPG">

Cabbed home in the morning. I really enjoyed myself! Thanks guys for meeting up for last session of htht. HAHA! I'm gonna miss everyone like hell after tomorrow!

Esp NYWL, AQH, LSF, KNSF, ALJY, MLCH and the rest...


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