Sunday, January 22, 2006


i'm so sickk . cann0t go sk0ol .
sians . miss myie friendds .
nothhingg tu do .
so hhere ie am ; wrytingg thiz stuupid blog .
whhye am ie sickk at thiz kinda tym ?! chinese new year comingg w0rhs .
hhaiis . cannot slp .
c0ughingg c0ughingg c0ughingg ~
ie dreamt of so mani thhinggs . lame .
ddoes dreamx c0me truu aniwae ? new year clothes alsho haven buy .
sian half . bboweiigonggs .
cannot find terence . scaredd hhe angri siahs .
[[ lyfe is MISERABLE ]]
ie wakke upp dunoe hhow mani tyms liao lor . dden dreamx of stuupid thhinggs
whhu thhe hell pass mie fever adn c0ugh !!
damnd dulan lorhs .

myie dad gave mie $5o tu but clothes . yea . ue sh0uld noe . goingg out wibe myie sister is
thhe end or thhe w0rld . shhe will
keep on c0mplainingg abt goingg h0me adn whadsoever .
but ie wantedd tu go h0me t0o . yea ; sickk .
no strenght tu walk . veri sian .


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