Friday, March 17, 2006

east coast .

ytd went tu east coast . partically ; bcos of ridingg . A BIKE .
met upp at alj ; at 1plus . dden nicole suddenly dunch wana go .
ie dunno thhe reason ; dont look at mie .
saw teckyeow adn co. waitedd for them at mac .
in thhe end went grandlink . they playingg dota .
we went tu walkwalk at city plaza . COOL . gortd arcade lehhs !
WOOTS . gona chheck it out .
after eating ; we went photo craziie . hehe . XDD
went tu arcade ; saw rockfever !! yays .
but is rockfever3 . nvm lahs . btr dden nthhing .
waitedd for bus with nicole ; viviien ; shufenn ; qianhuii adn thhe couple .
whhile listening tu laurel's mp3 .
tym sure flies . we reachhing soon .
alightedd thhe bus ; walkedd thhe underpass adn reachhed east coast .
waitedd so longg for nicole adn viviien ;
we went off first .

laurel quahh ; yeu cant beat mie . has !! `
dden after returning bike ; went tu pit C16 .
findd teckyeow adn francis /.
chhatedd til 1oplus ; sat qianhui's father's van adn went backk alj .
saw yiiren dey all .
dden nicole ...... haii .
anyway ; fujie ; whhye liddat .
none of my business . ie dun wanna be called nose pecker .
shufenn waiting for hher darren .
ie went home ~
watchh thhe RED SHOE .
nice lehhs !! thhe giirl has mental problem narhhs .

sleeping tym . suchh a tiredd day .


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