Sunday, April 16, 2006


ytd went to church & itwas so fabulous .
i simply enjoyed every minute of it .
& i cant wait for next week ! ((:
the drama was absolutely exciting .
everyone nvr stopped smiling .
exams are coming & this is getting me nervous .
got so many subjects to study & i trust that god will help me .
as long as i put my heart into in .
all these consists perserverance & most importantly .
hard work .

well ; there i was ; below the stage ;
once again glancing up at the famous pastor ;
rev. KONG .
he nvr really changed though .
my cell group leader ;
sister sheevonne . she's preety ;
in a sense of her way ;
but she's attached . to who ; dont ask me .
i dont have any idea .
& i havent been smiling for such a long time .
praise the lord .
i am so gonna smile next week .


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