Friday, June 02, 2006


today i was supposed to go out with the COW ,
in the end went woodlands . the train was like so fast larr .
we talk for a while then ; '' next stop , woodland '' .
good sials . haha . went to look for that pu bor lorhs .
see them play basketball , like so lihai . only that wenwenjiejie ;
haha . his friend dont let him shoot .
all so tall ; then we were thinking how come our sku ppl ; for example , THE CROW . he's like ? short ? = xx
compatiable to joan can le la .
& we came to an analysis that its because there's ni basketball CCA in our sku .
what a GREAT sku !
arent we clever ? coming out with SUCH analysis .
kekes .
and madd pierced her tongue . COOL huh ?
it wasnt painful for the first time ; the second time was ; BLOODY HELL ?
oops . = xx
shi pei shi pei ~
was back home quite late again ..
ohman , i planned to go home early alrights ~
jus cant wait for tmr's emerge !!
& i jus watched ghost show ; ended alrs . not that nice lar . quite lame ?
hees . look at the kind of hour im blogging nows .
and im gna maple ltr . whee !! ~
fine ; i miss you . [[=
dont sad abt things alr laaaaaa . there's still me ! dont fall sick ! see doc. hors !


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