Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Blink of an eye, i've wasted one week here. Woohoo, everybody countdown for me! It's twenty more days and i am back. Heh

Time seriously flies man.
(I hope i only have two days left though.)

Well well, so i've been pretty obsessed with my cousin. Haven't seen them for 9847326521 years and they became so.... shuai. Yeah, ha ha
But other than that, i've only been wasting my days drama-ing. I'm only left with two more dramas lor! How am i gonna survive this twenty days....

Ahh anyway, bottom line is, i want time to pass faster.
I miss everyone like fk. And everyone enjoyed themselves at MadeleineL's chalet, without me!!! >:(
Even now, i am online and nobody's online! Rah
Okay enough complaining, i gtg alrdy. I shall come back and update soon alright! In the meantime, keep my tagboard noisy please. Til then.

PS: Congrats to me, no fags for one week.


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