Thursday, February 09, 2006

fujie's chalet ; reminds mie .

its'fujie chalet adn all of us hav been looking foward tu it for years adn years adn YEARS . no larhhs .
we went dere early adn guess whad ; thhe main burfdae boii isnt here untill 1o !!
made . its lykk wth larhh . but we stiu continue enjoying ourselves . hahhas . nicko adn viviien was dere already . dey had their SLK chalet too .
hmms ; joan wantedd tu go home adn so ian ; being HER perfect laogongg ; had tu go home wid her larhhs . sian . left us .
but wenjie dey all came . sooo happie !!
mine korkor go spike his haiir . shuaii lorhhs .
xDD wanh0ngg adn benjamin was dere too . how could dey ? were dey invitedd ?!!
l0l . no larhhs . kdkd onli . thhe more thhe merrier .
thhe ah teck ; ie corhe hhim YAO AH YAO . wasnt dere . wierd rytes .
but mine dadie went !! keaii de yangmehmeh -
LOL . guess whad ; we stayed out whole nyte through . FUJIE was enjoying himself !!
grrs . we stayed out at thhe bbq pit for soo longg lorhhs .
we hadd a great tym thoughs . yays !! `
thhe next dae ; usually ; we went home . we r sensible girls . we DO NOT stae out for soo longg .
keke . g2g . plae maple .
mine wenjie korkor whhu owes mie thhe world's biggest mickeymouse meeting mie . byebyes !!


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