Friday, March 24, 2006


today nth much happened in sku .
we were nearly late forsingsparation .
hah . luckily we didnt !
recess i talked to qii ! she so chiio lorhs ! =D
laurel and weiying went for guides .
like what the ?!
grrs ! haha . XDD
after sku we went home , prepared .
use comp for a while then went to meet shufen and darren . took a bus to
grandlink , met michelle at the entrance .
LOVE her mickeymouse shirt siahs !
somemore its purple !! `
we chated for a moment and i went in to find nicole and co .
then saw hweeting . she good girl ? i angel ! haa .
no ! her name is angel then i perfect lohhs ! XD
while walking , chated with wenjie korkor !
miss hhim lahs ! ><
walked to cityplaza , played rockfever !
WEETS . but the other padel spoil siah . cannot play two person .
but .. its okkayes !
after that go back grandlink find them liaos then
walked back to alj . (( x
slacked til ten plus everybody go home ler .
cos tmr got yiting burfday celebration .


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