Sunday, April 30, 2006


i was looking foward to going of heartland mall with shufen .
RAHS . we didnt make it agains .
sians . & i jus realised ANTI-SOCIAL really sucks lar .
sometimes they dont even have the rights to say people this people that .
oh man ~
all posts so short . guessed i've got nothing really to blog
abt these few days .
but like duh ; exams are just in two weeks time .
i hope i dont leak my pants . keke .
not that serious though . =/
yeah ; indeed ; STUPID things have been happen lately .
we didnt wanted it okays . PEOPLE chose to do it .
i want to revise maths at home but i jus dont understand to revise /.
URGHS . how stupid .
ohwells ; next week i think there's nothing to blog abt as im
not going church . STUDY . rahhhhhs*
but im going cell group bahs ?
im looking foward to it but the thought of exams jus make the mountains tremble . = x

you made me feel like forgiving you ;
you made me cry over this .
you made everyone hate you .
do you really wanted or expected all these as planned ?
im utterly dissapointed in youss


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