Tuesday, May 09, 2006

hais .

phew ! what a day ~
woke up late agains . told them upteen times .
so the first thing we do in the morning is ;
clip up frindge .
urghs ~ MR.KANG .. we respects girls . &^*(_#@!!~/;
then the next period was home.econs . MRS.WONG . wdv ~
then MISS.TAN'S agains . sian .
then its recess !~ im beginning to miss wenjie . hais .
after that there's maths ;
ENGLISH & chinese .
the chinese teacher so angry ~
dont look at me mans . i did no wrong . i was sleeping . =xx
haiyos . then the 2nd period of MRS.HO i wasnt paying attention .
busy thinking lahs ~
school was
boreddd today . but after school we went to eat then go home liaos . haa . GUAIKIAS . ( X
but sokyen & baoyu dulan something narhs .
haiyos . so many things happened lately !
and i kept hurting myself -
SO MANY WOUNDS . argghhhhhhs *
my hand got burnt . my leg got hurt . my palm got master piece by RAM . that black one /.
gonna go study tmr ~ yays . i'll try to blog more tmr . ^^

korkor ! im gonna miss you so much ! SOB .


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