Monday, July 10, 2006

thrills that kills.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingtarot cards found on net ~
and so i did research on all this stuffs , which mr chin did too .
he brought us interesting news like this for us to read .
so i thought it'd be nice if i did it too , to share with everyone . (:
and this :
is one perfect news abt tennagers who played out of curiousness & died eventually.
here are some sites to view if you're only curious , never try them okays !
heard about the oujia board ? they say the classic Ouija board has the answers to all questions, except the mysterious powers that determine its answers! It has always been mysterious. It has always been mystifying.
it says it's only a game , but still , never
try it . those who try are idiots of the stupidest !

if you're curious upon reading this , like me , jus read okay.
never ever try it . if you wna play with it , pls click the x button on the top right hand corner . thankyou for co-operating ! (:


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