Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sec3 camp!

I'm inspirated by Madeleine Low to rant. Good or bad? :X

Every sec3 student will be seen holding packets & packets of stuff on their hands. We started it off by having a talk where we have to draw lots to do duty. And only our class wore PE, so sua ku can. which is what Miss Chuang told us to lahh.

Soon we started with our first activity; Low Elements
Can you imagine how dull and boring we look at the moment? Starting this camp with Low Elements. Yeah, boring, very.
And so eventually we finished it quick & fast.

Next was Zipline/Flying fox :D
At least something better then low elements. Okay, everyone has gone only left a few. Even jiajin, who has phobia of heights went. But not meeeeeeeee >:(
I preapred ok already liao lah! Then they say they closing liao. Like wth!

Shortly after was; Inline skating!
I knew how to skate, but preffered to stay inthe noob class side. :p
That's where fun will start you see. *Go sabo people fall down*
Shufen pull Qinwei & they fell together lah! Lol

Lastly, campfire(!)
Supposingly everyone was looking foward to this as sec2 we had this real campfire, but a useless one -.-
Guess what. We don't even have a Fire, don't bother a CAMPFIRE.
They put up those lightsticks & call them campfire. =.=
Useless x useless! This is sooooo atrocious ok.
Overall we did enjoy it because of our class funny skiths & other.

And so because of the countless times os shouting our class cheers, my sore throat got worse. ):
What's more, i got no strepsils!!
The disguting outcome of my voice was due to this.

Rafting - Something interesting & new! :D
We were ask to tie those things together. It's ok lahh, but my poor finger was severly hurt. :/
All the PE capts who were stationed there all helped out group only lah. :D
But it's as a class that we need to win. Blahs, i seriously dislike our class though.
When we went out to sea, we were supposed to try out the safety thing first, and so the Pe capt all spray water at me can! All wetttttt.

And activity for day2; Survival Cooking!
Went for a quick bath, with our clothes on, to was the sand away, then went for survival cooking. The orange one's tastier. But we've got not enough time so hurry went for lunch le.

Next was Rockclimbing! I still remember Primary five's adventure camp, Sophia climbed the highest. How i hope she was with us that particular moment. ):
I'm glad she still remembers me when i send her an sms on her birthday. ^^

The best activity to me for the whole camp.
I had no partner, so i was to partner this guy i don't even know at all. At first, i felt sad, stupid and ridiculous. But after kayaking with him, i found him nice. And didnt regretted partnering him anymore. He was a person good at kayaking, and all i have to do was sit back & relax.
Ofcourse, i did kayak too. He tried alot to talk to me, trying to be friendly, but i didnt wanted him to hear my yucky voice. ><

It was nighttime, so obviously it was nightwalk time. Everyone said it was scary and blah. But in actual fact, it wasnt a bit scary lahh. Damian was m,y partner, but they said boys are to go alone, and girls, in pair. So in the end, Shufen partnered me. After that we have to blindfold ourselves to play the duno what game. After a while almost everyone didnt wanted to continue so left with around 3 or 4 ppl. Weiying was one of them, so they all tickle her, put sand, water, everything to disiao her. The second night i had a better sleep. Thank goodness! :/ Anyway, our class won champion and there's not much difference cuz all the prizes were the same. -.- I didnt expect us to win anyway. But still, im grateful ^^ I'm tired, i'm weary, i'm exasperated, felt inane. My mind's in a state of confusion. Don't know who to beleive and who not to. Who's real and who's fake. I don't wna shed a single tear anymore.


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