Friday, May 19, 2006


ytd didnt blog cos returned home late .
so ; it started at .. the exams . its the last day of it ; can you imagine ?!
hoho . looking foward to so many things nor .
rahs ! ))X

so actually i find exams so-so norhs . cos its like ; the part we spent hours on a paper so shiokkk . if sku's this way ;
nobody would hate sku liaoo .
but the bad thing is the ppl who set the exams sometimes so hard one lur ! >< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">chinese & literature ytd ,
last day of exams liaoo .
haha . so easy somemore . yay*
can go shopping alrs ~
but still ; my anxiety is my results nor .
i definitely wouldnt pass my maths & science .
then went alj slack .
vivien abscobend . hais . but smthing happened ytd la .
haha . i laugh til siao .
then so ..went home change . then go suntec norhs .
we slacked & played rockfever .
it was such a crappy day mans . haa .
then we played drummmm .
but then bcos of that nigel go marina la .
we walk til leg can break .
haas . then dua us . make us walk one big round looking for the stupid place .
in the end also go back alj for a while jui go home ler .
that bitch spoiled my day . )=
rahs . gonna blog more later ~
and i forgot to talk abt mrs.cheng .
when she walked into the room we kept raising our hands .
so she walk there walk here .
haa . when she left the room she said ;
'' im not gonna come back to this class again . ''


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