Saturday, July 22, 2006

Long gone ,

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And first , everything went fine and happily. It was birdie's birthday. Met up at alj's bbt shop and the birthday girl cried ! ):
Cos very lil ppl going ? Elena say she going then not going , give us wrong idea ! haiyo ! Unfortunately , we saw mr.chin . LOLS ~
still ask shufen whether she did her hw alr anot. stupid. When everyone ate finish we set off for marina . Then meet cheryl & yinghui stead at mrt station. Finally ! i miss her man. We finally snap pics with each other laaa Went girl's shopping and took lots of pic ! in the toilet. =.-
heheh. Wiwi was water crazy man. We headed to millenia walk's long john & there she got her water. (:
heehees ; went candy empire !! Angela bought her chocs , and we finished it in a few secs , lol.
Slacked , and slacked and slacked . Off to suntec looking foward to meeting the group of teckyeow's and all. Especially rockfever !@
It's been long since i played, we were crazy over 02jam laa. Cos free ? =x
And after a long long timeeeeeeeeee , finally can head off for bugis .
We seperated from the birthday girl. Cabbed down to bugis and it was still bored as ever ! The cab fare is $6.20 , can you imagine ??!
wth. Our fare same as wiwi , angela & elena's . haha . coincidence man !
Soon after elena went off , qianhui , wiwi & bibi also went off ler.
Left me and angela . We went seesee looklook. =D
saw great things that we're gna get. haha ~
Then we also talked abt many things . hmhmms ;
Next the birthday girl came with yuchang , wenjie , madd , laurel & another guy ? Ohwells ; shufen got a new friend called kuku . o.0
im kuku's skeleton . LOL ! that's what shufen calls la , wdv .
and anyway , where was i , yeah , she got kuku then went back alj ler ,
madd and wenjie they all go buy that thing whereas angela went home.
Left me & shufen , and we slacked at the playground. =D
That playground is always full of laughters . It's alr 11+ yet me & fen still slackin over there , then got one crazy woman , by right shld be calling us diamdiam cos too noisy ler ! =x
haha , i think she also scolding the guys that's slacking there too.
Then they all gan her back. Damn funny luhs ~
/she also damn fking lame one lar, she say we noisy then now she shouting down, even noisier ! haha. And somemore we still thought she's an ahlian , indeed . one fat one jiu got lah. HAHA !
What a day , fen & me always got so many stuffs to talk abt nevertheless . (:
i love her ! <3

After holding on tightly to a goal or wish, you will learn how to say goodbye.One of your biggest strengths is your ability to be impersonal and see things from everyone else's point of view. This asset has made you an invaluable ally, a dearly loved friend and, overall, a successful person. Today this facet of your personality will be invaluable when you come to the aid of a casual acquaintance or coworker. Share your concerns and criticisms (in your trademark diplomatic way), and you'll be able to communicate something that will really help another person grow.
many things happened today. Im not in the mood to say anything alr. I merely want you guys to peace out, still got scolded. ahh , whatever. For goodness sake , why cant one forgive and forget ? i know it's hard but you never know if you didnt try right ? There i am , begging yet on the other hand , no one knows what happen. I shldnt have existed. MURDER ME !


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