Friday, November 24, 2006

I just wna be left alone ..

I hope i don't have to go to church today. Sigh
Who knows what lies behind that mask?
People used to say i talk as if it's the end of the world for me, and how do you predict it now?

Tag reply:

Shann: Hello!
Qianru: You don't have to. It's me.
Chian: Yeah, i certainly miss you hell lot.
Jingyi: Hello.
Wuming: I'll be alright. soon.
Angela: Hi angela.

Bye, i suck.

I am back, for no particular reason. If you guys are eager to know who i was fuming at for the previouss posts,
let me now say, it was a guy.
He hurted my feelings. This guy that i didnt really knew from the start ..
And until this day, or situation he would choose another person just for fame.

Love vs Hate

Love is a flower
Hate is thorns

Love is an aroma
Hate is a stench

Love is tender
Hate is morose

Love is facile
Hate is dense

Love is solace
Hate is a struggle

Love is belief
Hate is anguish

Love is splendour
Hate is bleak

Love is elation
Hate is vexation

Love is ailing
Love is celestial
Love wins over
Hate loses all!
- By annonymous

Vanessa, hope you recover soon alright. And yinghui, take good care fo yourself.
Ahh, to everyone la, all take care although the haze isnt really in sight already. People has been falling sick lately, so do take care.


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