Friday, November 24, 2006

I realise ..?

I was halfway reading through this story when it struck me, thinking, i realise, after all, i have to make a descision. For everything.
And how easy do you think it can be?
All i remember, endured, yearned, desire, are all in this head.
Thus, when i flash back, i see how i got through times.
Yet i still can't but sigh.
I've been wondering for long about what should i write for this particular post. It's been long since i wrote a long one. I had no inspiration at all.
Perhaps you no longer see me looking down on the floor walking, but you can't change the fact that you wouldn't know what i was thinking about.
May i say, i am stupid enough to have be your friend.
Probably i've been keeping these in my heart all these while.
The fact that you left because of her, i just didn't know anything.
And your words don't mean it. What use is it when you doesnt prove your words by actions?
For anyone, poor or rich, good or bad, you know that friends are important.
And said, if you want others to treat you good, you have to treat others good.
Don't you even realise sometimes you don't even know when you did something wrong.
Are you perfect?
Why do i have so many questions left unanswered inside me? and you?
It's time to really think.
Life isn't perfect, and never will it be.
I found the website of the story i read last yr.
''I believe you''.

Everyone merely want a happy life, isnt it?


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