Monday, November 20, 2006

My heart sank-d.

We were supposed to get out of the house at two.
And guess what, that lsf wants me to help her measure her bloody height! F5 :/
Ha, quite fun though.
We had so much laughters today. It's been a long time since i really smileee widely.
Alright, i heard that my mood wasnt gna be good and i did came true. A lil
My heart really sank.
Was guilty for cheating people's feelings. ):
Fen came to my housie.
She practically ransacked my whole house for magazines since 2004. Lol, jk
Went off to play Audition before my brother comes back and start grumbling.
Damn that xiaohao, so tyco in Audition.
Then went downstairs for a stroll with Black Forest ice creams. Yum!
Had fun watching America's next top model.
Joanie should be the one winning! She has so much potential in those photo shoots.
I love the one she posed as a doll. Totally elegant. :)

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The one they had to cry. Cool uh>

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And the falling shot:)

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Joanie lost though. I still think she's a better choice! :)
Off to Audition, who wna practice 8k tgt? Lol


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