Friday, February 16, 2007

Hilarious day:D!

Yesterday went out with my beloved ones(:
Met up at bugis first, accompanied Kaixin to get her dress.
Time went so fast that it was six by then! So hurry walked to Marina to get Madd's shoe.
Me & laurel wanted a shoe from M)phosis but bugis don't have the design, so we bought other design. Then yesterday found out Marina got that design!! ><

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When we told Madd she went crazy. Asking why didn't we tell her -.-
Actually he quite cute lahh. Haha! :x
At first wanted to go kbox, but it's so ex lahh! So we headed to arcade and slack.
Reached bugis at around 10, but still got our stuffs. Yay ^^V
Here are the photos!

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This stupid laurel force us to kiss her. We're the victims!! Lol ;D

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So long nvr take pictures lahh. Lol


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