24 & 25 March 07
24th March/
And i'm here to update! At first i was pissed off by a bus driver. But these girls brightened up my day! ^^
Went for teoheng session, yayyy. I love singingggggg ~
By the time we finished, everyone was counted hungry. So we headed for Katong Laksa, woot! :D
Quite yummy eh. But merely half a bowl fills my stomach.
So wasted ._.
Pictures are on their way::

Camwhoring once again.

MadeleineL did this because she doesnt wanna be left behind. But ohwell, whocares:XX
Back to our crap.

Another one, who thinks she's miss universe.
But guess what,
everyone's laughing.

25th March/
Town'd with darling, shuhui & kraven. Yess, we had fun once again! (;
We took neoprints from this machine at cine which could be infarred to your phonee. So cool!
First time taking alrights. Heh, sound so suaku><

800¥ [:

Bought many things today, happyhappy :p
Headed to Bugis aftermath. And played rockfeverrrr! My long-time-no-play-game:D
Missed it hell lot.
Slacked, walked around and went Suntec.
Met Angela & carissa. And my beloved mother! She's so sweeetttt. Can't help loving her. Hahs(:
Love me too :X

Trying to be lame, yea.
Had fun slacking at the staircase with shuhui around[:
Talked about many stuffs which made me laugh my lungs out. Hehs

Candid! She's gna kill me if she sees this. Shhh >.3
Ohwell, overall had fun these two days. My blog revived! :D
And i cant get into msn stilllll. I miss so manyT.T
Especially Sheepieeeee. Hahs! Aren't you honoured to see your name here!
Anyway, it's tags reply timee! ^^
*Tags Replies*
Yen: Relinked! (:
Maddhs: What lah! Influenced by you,
I updatedd!
Nicole: Also not purposely de. Raining, then influenced by Maddhs & Laurel. Hehs
Haha! Yahlur, maddhs also pon. Bad girl ~~
Ohyah, i cant view your blog laa. Infront of behing got dash i cant view. Thats the reason the change of my url. So sad ok! >:/
Ming: Oh. Thanks for tagging anyway(:
Vanessa: Hi lovely. Relinked! (:
Michelle: Relinked too. ^^
Kraven: Lol? SeeyouTOO.
Off to sleep, night people!
And i'm here to update! At first i was pissed off by a bus driver. But these girls brightened up my day! ^^
Went for teoheng session, yayyy. I love singingggggg ~
By the time we finished, everyone was counted hungry. So we headed for Katong Laksa, woot! :D
Quite yummy eh. But merely half a bowl fills my stomach.
So wasted ._.
Pictures are on their way::

Camwhoring once again.

MadeleineL did this because she doesnt wanna be left behind. But ohwell, whocares:XX
Back to our crap.

Another one, who thinks she's miss universe.
But guess what,
everyone's laughing.

25th March/
Town'd with darling, shuhui & kraven. Yess, we had fun once again! (;
We took neoprints from this machine at cine which could be infarred to your phonee. So cool!
First time taking alrights. Heh, sound so suaku><

800¥ [:

Bought many things today, happyhappy :p
Headed to Bugis aftermath. And played rockfeverrrr! My long-time-no-play-game:D
Missed it hell lot.
Slacked, walked around and went Suntec.
Met Angela & carissa. And my beloved mother! She's so sweeetttt. Can't help loving her. Hahs(:
Love me too :X

Trying to be lame, yea.
Had fun slacking at the staircase with shuhui around[:
Talked about many stuffs which made me laugh my lungs out. Hehs

Candid! She's gna kill me if she sees this. Shhh >.3
Ohwell, overall had fun these two days. My blog revived! :D
And i cant get into msn stilllll. I miss so manyT.T
Especially Sheepieeeee. Hahs! Aren't you honoured to see your name here!
Anyway, it's tags reply timee! ^^
*Tags Replies*
Yen: Relinked! (:
Maddhs: What lah! Influenced by you,

I updatedd!
Nicole: Also not purposely de. Raining, then influenced by Maddhs & Laurel. Hehs
Haha! Yahlur, maddhs also pon. Bad girl ~~
Ohyah, i cant view your blog laa. Infront of behing got dash i cant view. Thats the reason the change of my url. So sad ok! >:/
Ming: Oh. Thanks for tagging anyway(:
Vanessa: Hi lovely. Relinked! (:
Michelle: Relinked too. ^^
Kraven: Lol? SeeyouTOO.
Off to sleep, night people!
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