Tuesday, March 27, 2007


No ticks for 6days! I'm so proud of myself ^^V
And anyway, some words to some people.

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To: Laurel Quah Xin Ru

I know that you're feeling down lately because of him, but it's stupid cry over guys yes.
Not trying to badmouth abt him but is it worth it? Do what you think is right ok. Maybe he does treat you good. Just that he doesn't have the courage to say it out? Follow your heart my girl.
I'll support your descision yeahs. & i'll always be here for you(:
Love you hun~

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To: Lsfen*

This was the only photo i can with you inside. Although i suck in it, at least there's you inside laa. (: Hey there my 'fated 老公 cum twinnie'! I understand how you feel abt him. I don't understand why he's doing this too. Guys change their mind very quickly. So dont get upset over rotton guys yeah. I'm sure we'll find someone together yes. & i know we ain't so close anymore, but you know very well i'll always be here for you. So smile girl ~ Love.

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To: Lee Sock Chian

This girl here ah, made me worry abt her too. Heard that you've been dismal and sad about the event too uh? Although i don't really know what happen but i want you to know that it really isn't worth crying over someone who doesnt treasure your love yeah. 记得, 每天要活得快快乐乐才对! Don't be disheartened alrights. Jean's here for you~ ^^

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To: Nicole Yeo Wei-Lin

Girl, follow your heart. Really, follow your heart. follow your heart follow your heartfollow your heart ~ Lol.
Okay, no time for jokes now. You another one, upset over *ahem ahem*.
Just do what you think is right bah. Remember this, 只要你能愉快. ((:

Love really suck hell lot man. :x


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