Saturday, April 21, 2007

The past is always beautiful #

Blogger always give me problems. Rah*

Especially long entrys yes. Manymany problems. So a short entry for yesterday's.

Headed to parkway with Weilong. It's super bored there! Then nicole called me asking whether i wanna go east coast. So Me & Weilong went eastcoast. Took a walk, had some things talked out already. [:
He left for kbox with a date with Edison & co. Ps me can! Lol ;X
Yingying, lsf, joan, hweeting & manymany others were there. Not forgetting teckyeow and the rest.
So as usual, ddr.


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Let me end this with a photo of the four of us. (:

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Hweeting, Shufen, I & Yingying. <3

I miss those days. Had fun slacking in the lorry & aljunied. :D


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