Thursday, June 28, 2007

I am back, i guess? :D

Days have been listless due to some particular reasons.
Anyway, i've thought about it.
Why let AK* ruin my mood? No way, i'm not gonna let him get his way man! Roar
I need to take things in my own stride really.
But he really suck lor.
& now i still have 51/2 hours detention can. Wth

My horoscope says ''Mistakes are part of being human, so if you get things wrong, don't get depressed."

I still don't think i've done a single thing wrong.(!)

Sadness is so difficult to overcome, how do people become so optimistic uh?
Yesyes, always look on the bright side i know. And try not to think? I'm trying already.

Here does a sad story from my brother's blog ..

He looked around at his surroundings once more, flashbacks of scenes raced across . There was a moment of hesitation, still. The Californian air somewhat felt closer to heart, as he begins to inhale the last few breaths. Turning around, he bidded a last goodbye, pretty much one sided and walked in.

The evening sunset was beautiful. He never thought he could have another perfect moment in this town. As if beyond the description of words or even emotions. Passengers were getting ready to take flight. Then, the phone rang. Interupting the silence like a bullet across vacumn.

She called.

''Where are you?", she asked.


''Where are you?" , she repeated.

"Alex?" , her tone softened.

He heard her voice, probably for the last. Eyes got teary. And red too. Deep down, that beating organ was screaming on the inside to talk but the mouth didn't give in.

"I'm leaving.'' ,the 2 words that summed up the whole bunch of words he wanted to say.

"Leaving where?" , he heard her exhale. She probably gave up long ago, perhaps the instance when she heard his voice.
Tears streamed down the weary faceline, as if it can't wait to hit the cold floor of the jet.
The heart slowed down its momentum as pre-suicide tranquility sets into the picture.

''I'm sorry.'' , she whispered.

He hung up.

''You don't know me, you don't even care.'' , he thought.

He took out a photo that they took together. It broke him. One of those candid shots that catches a moment never to be repeated, the two of them laughing in midsentence. It was so innocent back then. Now it seemed to taunt the absence that it can never come back.
They were in love? Maybe. Or not. This question haunt him through out the whole journey til he lay foot on the new town and his new life, starting all over in a place where no one knows his name.

He heard that this place was nice in summer, some snow would be nice too. He thought, as if trying to convince the inner one that everything will be for the better.
The plane landed few hours before midnight.
The man turned his back and looked around at his surroundings. It did not change. Why? He saw her at the entrance waving at him. Joy overwhelmed him for an instance.

"Hey! Don't block the way. "

Slapped back to reality, the sign aboved read : "Welcome to Boston."
A single tear was shed as he bring about the last of his strength to give a compelling smile.

''No man is rich enough to buy back his past''.

how true.

Last of all, i only hope tmr will be better.


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