
Heard of this twin sister from Singapore that appeared on the newpaper months ago? They gave up O' levels to pursue their dream. Looks like they love singing so much to have made such a descision.
Oh, then i saw them on teevee. It was so unbelievable! Was astonished. First i saw them on 娱乐百分百, next on 模范棒棒堂. Everything really seemed so near, yet so far.

I love singing too! That's my only forte. Hahaha, such a failure. Only know how to sing.. but haha, who cares. If i were them, i would prolly make the same choice too. Omg, then i'll be able to see many celebrities like them! Jay chou!!! ^^v
Come to think of it, it's not really surprising that they'll carve out a career in taiwan. Compare TWINS and them, they are so much sweeter, and so much talented their age. Isnt life cruel? It's all about money and talents. Lucky people...
I think they have great potential. Check this out!
PS: I shall update the photos for Kraven's birthday celebration soon. Ciaos! : )
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