Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy birthday Nicole!

Hi guys! I realized i've not written for quite awhile. Well basically, i am too busy for an update.
Yeah busy with school, homework, sleep, drama.I hereby sincerely apologize to the people who have been waiting so badly for my update! Sor-li-la! You won't know how messy is my life now
I have like, so much to complain! Roar

I shall elaborate it when i have time to.

Last week was darlingpie's birthday! It was a celebration at the Intercontinental Hotel. Very lovely place to chill, and do whatever you like! :)


Though we did not spend so much time together, i hope you enjoyed yourself sweetie.
You know i love ya

Out with Joey ystd. Did not get our stuffs, was supposed to collect her phone and when we decided on a singing session at Kbox, the rooms were full. Home early that day! Around eleven?
Btw, the cab driver is very entertaining haha

It's three a.m. already and i am feeling tired. Cant take it anymore, my eyes are like, half closed.
Shall update again soon! I promise. Tee hee

PS: Again, it never pays to be kind. True colours!!!

On a very side note, Happy Valentine's day to lovers out there. I sincerely give you my blessings. When is it my turn?! Hahahaaa
I sure had fun with my girls though. The world would be incomplete without them!


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