Luvluvluv E

Still feeling a lil pain, and aching on the thighs though.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Had a wonderful night with Lsf at kbox. We sang for seven hours. Hahahaaa
I can't wait for another singing session!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Skipped school today. It was the stupid Chinese New Year celebration.
Shopping with Angela! Finally get to go shopping, after so long! Ate nothing for the whole day except for Carl's Junior's fries. That explains why i've got gastric now... damn it lah. I h8 gastric, if you don't know. Bumped into Huihui! ^^v
Got our stuffs, waited for Mad before heading to Bugis.
Met up with the guys and got their stuffs. I really don't like Bugis Street lor. It's super freaking crowded one! And to prove that i'm a good friend, i walked around Bugis Street for four rounds. Imagine how hot is it! I was perspiring like f.
Joan went off with bf, the rest of us headed back to our hometown. Chilled around awhile and back home. It's a good day out with my lovely friends.
Some photos for the day!

Alright, enough crap. The gastric is hurting me like f. Gonna go rest now
PS: ずっと 忘れない
PS: ずっと 忘れない
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