Saturday, January 17, 2009


It's volunteering work today. And tomorrow as well!
Aww i feel that my days are really wasted. My weekends are so rare, so hard to come! Blame myself, i volunteered -_-

But but but

it isn't that bad actually. Because, i got cip hours!!! Woo that means i don't have to do cip with the school. TEE HEE

Well well, it's 1am alrdy. And my freaking brother is playing the electric guitar. It's fucking noisy can! He always do that in the middle of the night. Okay i admit although i am really interested in guitars and drums but not at this hour...

Wah-lao! Gotta wake up early again tmr. There goes my weekends ;(

Drama now, bye! By the way i think something's wrong with my imeem player
I wish you knew what you mean to me


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