Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy or sad 2009?

Hi all! Well i've been spending my life staying out late everyday.
Can't blame! School is like starting on FRIDAY.... and i can't bear to seperate from my girls! Esp my lsf!
Besides, you cant be asking me to stay home all day and waste my precious life away. Right?


I love this girl, esp her photo here. Look super fair. Really sad to say, she's attached.
Ha ha, guys! Don't even think about it...

Lil suey, i don't have any photo of her alone. So, yeah anyway, happy birthday sweetie.

Done with the wishes, now the complaining.
I am so not used to my ugly hair colour now. It's like, super black and i don't like it.
(Imagine black curled hair.. ohmygod! So sucky lah.)
Esp when you're the only one, and you see all your friends dye-ing their hair...
And great, school is the day after tomorrow. I don't wanna face the facts lahhhhhhhh. ):

Anyways, hopefully 2009 is gonna be better year.


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