Monday, July 31, 2006

missing those olden days ,

Rushed to school this morning. It was raining. was a lil wet, was prepared to be sick anyway. These few days always so weak, can see my condition is detoriating laa. It's okay.
I can face up to reality abt such things , but i certainly can no longer define - love. Perhaps it's becos i no longer have faith in it. Or probably used to being alone, in my own world.
And today we had pe, most of the ladies didnt went except for me and ballball , my beloved cute one. Mr kang expects us to run 4rounds okay. And guess what, fortunately, i did'nt faint. Yet they say i'm sooo pale. My timing was 14.49 alright and i ran like hell. Had headaches halfway and a girl outran me. Damnit. It was such an agony or rather, misery that i felt like giving up and kill myself. But my only worry in this world is you- do you even know ? Thought that i can't die without saying a bye yet. Looked up the sky, it was still blue and greyish. How'd it be if i die , would i still see the grey sky that i gazed always ?
Recess had 'that' talk , and it made me sighed more then usual. I didnt wanted us to become what we are now, but the times that we shared fun & joy. It was all gone, GONE. forever. After recess was Miss tan's period and more than half of the class was squatting, heads above their table. One unbeleivable thing is, shufen did'nt squat ! Can you beleive ?! NO.
This made my legs wobble when miss tan's period finally ended. Come to think of it, i guess it's two period eh. Isnt life a torture /?
Mr chin's period was next, and we did the report on bullying cases in GMSS ! i asked ian : '' Ianlim , what's your reason for bullying behaviour in school ? ''
Ok, no beating around the bush. It's so obvious and so he stared at me and replied : '' You want me to write is it ? Ok lor.. ''
He is a big bully isnt it , Mr chin then called some particular students out, which was including ian, joan, shufen and etc. Me and qian was surprised he didnt called us out, they were then scolded for talking too much. This proves that we both are good girls.
Soon after maths the bell rang, the guys were off too see Mr chin. Oh, they were expecting punishments. That's what schools always do, don't they ?
And fortunately , they wasnt punished. Lucky them. We got out of school and thought abt the olden days where we used to go slack, and now, almost everyone went seperate ways.
Time sure flies. Was tired, headed home. There's maths test tmr, gotta go study real soon.Wish me good luck, ppl. And fen, you owe me bbt, if i help you. I don't care. You have me to thks alright. Ask him wna bet more anot laa. haha ! HE'S BLOODY WRONG ABT ME !
i hate you !

Au Revoire.


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