Friday, September 08, 2006

It's never coming back.

The Act Cute poses.

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&i looked dumb`d in this. :/

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Didnt use the comp for one day. Finally, was able to fellowship with maybelline. ^ ^
&so we had bible study at my apartment. Doesnt apartment sounds bettter? hee
Yup, it was on ' Prayer '. At first maybelline wanted me to pray before we start loh. In the end nicole did the job. haha~
But the worst thing is i'm gna pray at the end! >:/
I felt so cosy, cause it's my house what. Lol! Okay, where was i, time passed so fast that the end of bible study came, my heart beat so fast cause it was my first time praying. It was certainly embarassing laa. But i did it anyway, it rlly takes alot of faith lurh. Nicole cried, i think i roughly know what happened. Aww~
I didnt expected that anyway, seriously.
We went fellowship at TM after that! :D
Yay, the jap food was so yummy. &it took us arnd half an hour to reach there i guess.
Now i know how my bro gets to school.
Went Isetan, madd rlly took a long time choosing her stuff man, i got tired. :x
She spent $80 laa. Money flies away so easily~Grr.
Played rockfever&bought maybelline a lolly. Gee, she was so much sweeter than that lolly man. I rlly loveeeee her so much. haha >.<
Went back to alj, i admit it was bored when i just reached there. No entertainment at all. But at last it was fun! I saw my father. My long lost father, no laa, kiddin.
I seriously miss`d him lurh. He's quitting school soon. Sighs!
We slacked tgt and Ka heng is another person who could make me smile although i know my life's going the wrong way. (:
Chatted with him in the morning from 2-3am. He's a nice guy laa. He could even rmb when he first saw me. Lol~
Anyway, Thankyou so much kaheng. ^ ^

I got this institution that i got cancer. Lol


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