Monday, August 28, 2006

2006 E13&E242 CHALET


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&yes, the day has come! :D
It's E13&E242 Chalet! Was just on time, took a cab there. Madd joined us. Yes, what can i say but it's awesome! I rlly enjoyed myself so much.
I was teamed up with Jasmine, SuinYong, Shaoyun& some other guys. Didnt rlly know them quite well though. So we got 4 envelopes, gotta find the picture/wordclue that is in the envelope. Everything seems so difficult to look for at first, but slowly, we found it one after another. Took lots of picture as edvidence. Gee, it sure was fun!
Thought that the dusbin would be easy to look for, but most of the teams can't find it except Angeline's team. Our leader is Jasmine&our group team is Weapons of Mass destruction! Ha, it seems like a powerful teamy~ >.<>clever in a stupid way. '' Lol
Obviously it made everyone laughed la. hahaha! Soon we had to go to the meeting place to complete an obstacle, which is hulahopps&skipping. Everyone looked stupid/dumb doing it. We had to find every single photo or else marks will be deducted.
We couldn't find the dustbin, so gave up & went on to the next envelope. Walked, or rather, strolled to White Sands shopping center while thinking of the answers. We found all again! Yays* Took bus back to Downtown& looked for answers of the 3rd envelope. Again we found all and we're the first to finish everything! :D
Dajie came, checked our ' answers '. Also, she laughed at our childishness in the pictures. Ha
Soon, the winner was annouced, it was US!!
All of us were so stunned. I can't beleive it. Anyway, was so happy laaa. Got $30 Ben&Jerry ice-cream voucher.
1hour free time, went arcad-ing. It was kinda boring thoughhh. Went back to chalet, the security actually beleived we paid alr. Hahah;
So we played cards while waiting for Dajie to come. Halfway eating, brought brother piere's&calynne's birthday cake out. (:
Brother piere wished for everyone's career&studies to move foward& lastly, he kneeled down and proposed to Dajie!! Dajie was embarssed like- Siao! Haha, Brother piere choosed such a perfect day luh! All the cameras were gathering around & i couldnt get a proper shot. Then everyone was like; '' JieWen
JieWen JieWen! '' From 10sec to 5 and then to three. Ha-ha,
It was so memorable that i won't forget that senario. Prayed for them and took lotsa photos!
Both cells, it was like so close, and family.
Brother piere shouted, '' I'm gettin' married!@'' Haha, he was so happy la.
Left at nine. It was sunday&there's school tmr. Or else i'd stay,Definitely. I love everyone in E13&E242! Yesterday will be remembered until the day i die-
Uploading photos tmr! :D


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