Wednesday, August 16, 2006

8 more days. >:/


School was dull today! And i really meant DULL. Was darn early to reach school today. Slacked like we always do. Joan took the zebraaaa.
Headed back to class, neither angel nor vivien was there. I guess they're sick. Wish you both a speedy recovery alright. Yes, it's weiwei's birthday. I slept late again. But i managed to wish him happy birthday on time. Ha, i think i'm the first! :D
I brought my practical book! But Miss tan didnt check. Wth. !$#%^_#@
I was copying so hard that it made my hand so numb, yet, Miss chuang didnt come! zz
There's 2 free period man! Gossiped so much about this and that. Especially recess.
It's not a wonderful day though. It's still shag. After geog was chinese, did compo and that's all. eveyone was like, '' Huang Lao Shi, Huang Lao Shi! ''
haha. Made her run there run here~
Weiwei wanted us to go for his birthday party but we didnt have time to-
I feel so bad. I'm sorry weiwei! >:/
Would still pass you your present, no worries.
On the way home then, was in the bus and with one glimpse, i saw a cat in the middle of the road! poor lil thing was dead. The blood around it made me felt disgusted. I feel sry for it. ):
Sighs, well, Life is certainly short. You may never know when you die.
May that cat rest in peace luh. 8 miserable days to the day counselling starts- BOO!


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