Thursday, February 22, 2007


Time pasts so fast that Chinese New Year is over. I've changed a new phone, and of course, a new number. Get my new number from meee!
Back to school and today we were informed that if we did not bring textbooks or whatever, the teacher is suppose to tick our names and give it to Miss Chuang.
Anyway, the moral of the story is, every tick that appears on our name, we are to stay back for half an hour.

This is totally wretched!
Half an hour seems short but once you have many ticks, half an hour is ALOT.
I served half an hour of dentention today. Roar!
But poor Joan, Weiying, Qianhui & Yingying, they have 3hours of dentention. I think they're still in school eh.

And i just got pissed off by some spammer.
Using my name to scold Jingyi? Hoping both of us wll dislike each other or something?
Try harder next time anyway. I don't tag with my name.


And the photos!

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Took this when i'm in th car, on my way to relative's housiee.

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20/02/07 鬼脸! :p

Also, our chinese teachers showed us some photos. Enjoy!

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Have you realised that all these nice pictures are drawn right on the floor?

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Remember the Globe?

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Isn't it interesting?
In a great dilemma.


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