Sunday, February 25, 2007

A last minute descision changes everything.

Only three short days, everything changed.
Well, friday - 23/02/07
Made a wasted trip to bugis? Sigh, forget that.
Saturday - 24/02/07
Went to PlazaSing, made another wasted trip too. Feelings all cropped up together, speechless.
Stayed over at Elena's place, had fun, forgotten troubles, but now it's back.

Anyway, it's Chingay, so, let the pictures do the talking.

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These two wanted me to be their photographer because they think i'm ttoo professional. Way highly professional for them. HAHA -.-

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Saw these cute rows of Ruffles while going up the escalator. Cute uh!

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omg, i suck.

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On our way to hail a cab, we saw someone who's over excited about Chingay, and so, he 'plucked' it from some place. Lol?

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Madd, on the other side of the road. Was zoom-ing in, thus the blurness.

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And elena, taking Madd again.

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Who understands?


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