Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday To Angela.

Happy Belated Birthday to Angela.

School days have always been extremely boring. Everyday, hoping we won't have a tick beside our name lest we have detention. Today's merely the 2nd day of the week, bet everyone's dreading school. But there'll be no school on Friday due to GoodFriday & that's one good thing for the week. Hahaha :X
It's not that i'm not interested in studying already, just that we don't have any homework everyday. You may think our days in school are carefree, but in actual fact we're not.
Mid-yr exams are gna be here so soon. I'm so gna force myself to study. Ahhh, stress ~

Anyway, wondering why i'm blogging over here? I've deleted my xanga! Too used to blogging over her already. I wonder why i'm so indescisive lahh. >:/
But it's no harm too anyway uh! Hahs, bye loves!

Currently listening to: 你是我的宝贝 & 背叛


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