Friday, July 13, 2007

Sleepover? Updates (X

Well, after being missing-in-action for 123456789days, i'm back!
My comp's still down though *spouts*

Anyway, let me briefly explain to you about my hectic life for the past week.
Mood wasn't going that smoothly recently :/
Emotions were often mixed up by trivial matters. Roar
Therefore, i am usually troubled over stuffs. I tried not to think about it, but i still can't help it. Bleh

Also, many things happend on friday, which was yesterday and's the 13th.
So coincidentally right! Okay, skip that. The main point is that, friday sucked.

Mm, if you're interested in what happened, continue reading.

#1: Nrs Tan wasnt in school and we don't have free periods. The worst thing about is Nicole didn't came to school & so, i was alone.
#2: FenShuLin's phone got confiscated, & i felt guilty because she was dailing me and Miss Jus saw her using it ... :(
#3: Had conflicts with some people X.X
#4: I fell down.
#5: Pissed becuz they*made me by doing particular things.
#6: My voice's still not back yet, throat is getting worseeeeeeeeeee :'(

Is it bad enough?
The feeling totally sucked alright. I hate it Grr

Now i'm wondering if i should turn off the comp and go to bed. 2pigs are sleeping right now.
Poor nicole, she's sick.
Take good care of your health okay girl!

How good will it be if life wasn't filled with soooo many troubles.
Oh yes, when the day really comes, pigs will be able to fly. So i can forget about the idea for now.
Unless they invent some pill to forget your unhappiness >_<

I promise i'll be back to blog as soon as my comp recovers! I'll missyou people, goodbye!(:
Remember to tag me often,i'll reply.



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