Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Teoheng! :D

Didn't went to school today, partly because i couldnt get to sleep which million things is going through my mind.
I know i'm irresponsible because i skip school due to me, can't getting to sleep.
Anyway, i still skipped school.
My brother's girlfriend is @ our house right now. Andandand, i miss ----------- :(
Yesterday went for singing session with ying, my so-long-never-see brother & his friends.
He changed so much that make me realise that it was really long that we last saw each other.
Prolly that was the reason why my heart was beating so fast before we meet.
Yesterday was quite alright. I just don't know how to describe yesterday's feeling.
It was like -- i saw my old friend! Another old friend came back! Perhaps that was why i was happy?
Those were just my heartfelt words, no hard feelings.

Dedicating to TanYingYing;

Girliee, i know you were upset about what happen. And yesterday's teoheng session made you cry too. You should be happy that you had a r/s with him before.
You know it's inane to cry when everything's over right? Isn't it good that you guys are still friends? I don't know how to help you, just hope you'll take things in your own stride & be more cheerful okay?
My phone will be 24hrs here for you! (:

Smile, love!

I'm afraid to lose him like how you're afraid to lose him too. Retribution?


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