Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas eve.


Hey, merry christmas to everyone.
Another disappointing year. I hope i won't spend another year with regrets again.
Now, wonder what happened yesterday?
Out with TanWeiYing & Angela. Kraven & Pingling met up with us later. As usual, had our lunch/dinner at PastaMania, then to arcade, then slack. Nothing special.
It was kinda bored because we had no plans at all. Didn't wanna hit town due to the sprayings.
So after much persuading, i go with the flow. Some unpleasent things happened aftermath.
Practically spoil my mood. Then the 3 of us left town and head for Hong Kong Cafe at kovan.
Prayed so hard i didn't get spot & sprayed. Thank goodness we get out of the danger zone safely.
I can tell you, it's the first, and i really mean first time i see kovan's Hong Kong Cafe filled with people that we had to queue! It's always quite empty that we don't even have t wait.
Well well, then came joey. She made me & weiying can't stop laughing. Ha ha
Okay, i shall let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

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Nahnahnah! Si joey, here you go. & i seriously don't know what up with the light on me for the next picture.

I miss you badly.
Oh! And poor xiaojian, met with an accident yesterday. His injuries must have hurt alot. So people out there, do ride safely lar! 大家圣诞节快乐哦 (: (:


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