Friday, February 01, 2008

God i need some answers.

When will all unlucky things stop happening to me?! );
Guess what! My poor phone got into a crash. With the stupid car! My contacts are still intact, but my messages! ): ): ):
Damn, it it got knocked down by an evo or lamborgini, i'll feel better. Roar! :/

And guess what again, i'm officially single for 2 whole years! I don't know what i'm happy about though? Aha!
What is love?
This is a question i need answered.
Centuries have passed, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But is anyone able to give the proper definition of love? To some, "Love is a friendship set on fire" for others, "Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it"
Well, we don't know?
Love, takes two hands to clap. It is what makes you smile when you're tired.

To my dear friends,
Someone is going to hurt you at some point of your life. It's only up to you to decide who's worth it and who is not.

Come on! We have to move on aye! (;


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