Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Sunday, down to Pasir Ris to meet up with the guys.
Spent the day bbq-ing, chilling around at the park, playing pokers and watching dvds.
It's definitely a fruitful day! : )

Presenting..."Ang eh gina" named by lsf. Lmao

Everyone was famished so we started bbq-ing...
Ha, thanks to Kraven, Weiying & Yj for the hard work.

Kraven is the babe! ^^,

After the delicious dinner, we had... marshmellows! :)
How can we miss this out?
Marshmellows are just like the desserts after a sumptuous meal. Love it!

Nicole's fine art for bbq-ing marshmellows..

When night falls, we went to borrow dvds to keep ourselves awake. The picture above is Madeleine Low using the instant dvd borrower. Very worth it i tell you. It's only $3 a disc if you return it within 24hr. Fabulous! Cheap and instant, what more can we ask? :D

Oh, but you'll have a hard time signing up for an account! Ha ha
Try, and you'll know what i mean! (:

Tomorrow is a good day! Hope that everything will go smoothly at Temasek Poly! Heh heh, i seriously can't wait for tomorrow.


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