Saturday, June 14, 2008


Wow, i just realised i have so many readers in a day! Hahaha
I'm totally shocked and happy at the same time. 7 online users!!! Thank you for coming! (:
Well well, i really hope you guys would leave me a message so that i could thank you guys in person. Ok? (:

And anyway, i found my old photos.. scroll down at your own risk.


I can't be bothered with the photos already.. still overjoyed and dumbfounded about learning the fact that i have so many redears a day! Haha, you prolly think i am too over-reacting aye. WA KAO!!!! 7 ONLINE USERS!!! lol

Hmm, maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. Please leave me a message so that i know this is not my hallucination! Haha, thankyou! (x


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