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I've been quite busy lately. Attending school and all.. mundane life i know.

O-kay, very lethargic.
Wahlao seems like i havent been blogging for 9999999 years. I truly missed everyone! Teehee :)
Bet everyone have heard about the disastrous earthquake in Si Chuan already yeah?
Heart wrenching isn't it!
And aren't all of us lucky that Singapore don't have such serious earthquakes?
Be thankful dear people.
Everything there was so bad that 13,451 schools are damaged. So many innocent lives were taken.. and some are not even found yet!
Oh! When the rescuers arrived, they found this mother. She's in a kneeling down position and guess what, she was carrying her child in her arms. She shielded her child from the falling building..
She died. But her child survived. There's even a note saying to her child that if he/she survived, she want he/her to know that she loved he/her.
I nearly teared pls! );
Now you see how a mother sacrificed for her child... appreciate your mother before it's too late.
It's too late.... to apologize.. lol
Have been using this for so many times til it's not funny already. Aiya sian!

And Jay Chou! He raised $650,000 from his concert for the Si Chuan earthquake.
See, he is so nice. No wonder he's my idol. Oops sorry, my boyfriend. Ha ha ha
(Die la, his fans is gonna kill me for saying that-_-)
Eh, after saying so much you all still think it's nothing then forget it. Go and die ok. lol
No lah, i'm just kidding. Please have a heart and donate! Thank you so much.
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