Thursday, June 19, 2008

More than words.

Though life has been quite boring and free, i got this mixed emotions now.
Like, everything is not going smoothly and it's all cropped up by different situations. It's not turning out the way i want it to.
"Expect the unexpected"

School is on Monday, great. And i'm not gonna camwhore until my hair gets longer.
Shall be a geek in the meantime yo!

I'm still questioning myself. N levels are in 2 months time, and yet, i'm still not prepared for it. God damn, what am i supposed to do. I am really confused. This feeling i don't know how to express.. why is it so hard? So hard to comprehend..
Then now i'm trying so hard to just let go of this feeling, there'll be more frustrations, more problems occuring. What can i say? Life is full of disappoinments...


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