Thursday, August 03, 2006

life's a bore, now and always.

So i just returned from Mr chin's oral enrichment remedial. Today's alr thursday laa. Cant beleive time passes so darn fast. Thursday is history !@
And also, mass pe. Bah. I seriously hate mass pe alright. Whatsmore, my knee still hurts because of monday ! Wth. >):
After that was normal subs alr. BORED ! Maths lesson we went to comp lab to do the music thingy again. Yeah, we sure had fun there. It reminds me of qinwei ; keep singing the song '' London bridge is .... falling down
falling downfalling downfalling down ! ''
haha. He damn retarded laa. He make songs so retarded that everyone cant help laughing.
Shortly after came the last period- CME. Miss tan delayed those who didnt brought their CME books for 20min. Can you imagine ? Almost half the class and we probably stood for abt more than half an hour alr laa ! BOOS.
I still still wasnt in the mood for study. And we're going studying starting from next week.
Like omg ?! I hope i passed my tests ~
Everything was as usual, and still no mood. Tmr's ianlim bangala birthday. I guess his wish is for his grandfather to get well bah. But the clots in his brain seem so serious.
I would pray for him i promise-
And after Mr chin's enrichment me and fennie went toilet and i scared the wits out of her ! wahhas It might be too early to know whether or not you want your current endeavor to succeed -- there is an even amount of pros and cons, so any confusion you feel is understandable. But by the end of this day, you will be able to determine for sure how you want things to evolve. Only then will you be completely at ease with the path you're on. So, today, seek comfort in company of the friends who make you laugh most. Save the decision-making for some other day.
i'm letting go quietly alr.


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