Friday, October 12, 2007

Survival Newest Record: 60wins :D:D

Rounding again last night. Shall let the pictures do the talking first::

Manymany bikes [:

Can you see us? The reflection of the helmet!

Ytd's rounding was super 热闹(:
Alvin, Shufen, Qianhui, Eric, Weijian, Fire, Nicole, Chris, Ruixiang, Andrew, Toutou, Tingting, me & etcetc.
From Aljunied mac ----> Defu Lane ----> Hougang Green ----> Yishun Damp ----> Jalan Kayu ----> Och
At Yishun damp, we saw someone stand on his bike with his hands up lur!
He just zoomed past us on the other side. That was very amazing ok.
Had lots of entertainment in Och. Haha :D
P.S: Esp Weijian, that love-to-bite-straw. Lol!

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
Ohyah! Another thing, that ta-ma-de alvin like to copy my ex-stead. Hahaha >.<
Initial-d k!(x


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