Monday, September 17, 2007


Stayed home on Sunday. I pratically watched teevee all the way lar! & studied this tiny lil bit only. Rahh
Someone take me away from temptations please.
Eoy exams are like in two weeks time and i'm not concentrating hard :(

Finally i met up with Xiaoqiang & co.
Perhaps i should describe it disappointing. I was disappointed in myself.
I prolly screwed everything in my own hands. Sigh
But all i did was being tranquil. I felt dismay, yet i could do nothing at all.
Everywhere we went, slack, slack & slack.

Slept at 4plus, woke up at 6. Ruin pratically everything, even my sleep.

Monday Blues..
Didnt felt well in school, on word -- dismal.
That was how i went through the day. Super Duper Shag!:/
Ah! One more thing,
Find this blog familiar? Or seen it anywhere?
I really hate to rant about this particular person, becuz she really has no sense of originality.
Http://, Http://
Cancel the 'withe', add an 's' to get 'roses' and what do you get?
Be thankful i didnt mention what you did to my friend lest you spoil your reputation.
Although you spoiled it already.
Perhaps you've alr saw this, unhappy, you can jolly well look up for me anytime.
I'll see you in school & i'll be gladly waiting.(!)


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