Saturday, September 06, 2008

3 papers over, the feeling is like...

Weee, i feel like flying. lol
You know, a sense of relief. The important ones are gone. Stress subsided, happy happy! (: (:
But damn the English paper 2 was really difficult. Dear fate, please help me! *Prays
Have been mugging so hard, decided to take one day off. Ha ha ha
Trip to Malaysia with Kraven Nyio Shu Feng & Pling was great! The Love Guru is enough to make you smile for the whole day! Serious! You'll be laughing throughout the whole movie.
If you haven't catch it, please do. It's definitely worth the watch! I assure you.. (:

Trip was faster than i expected, and food is super cheap. I'm missing the New York Cheesecake from Secret Recipe already!

Yesterday was a fruitful day. More trips soon, anyone interested? Ha ha
Ring me up at 00000000 if you're interested alright. Tee hee ^^v


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