Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy birthday to me

And also to all September friends. :)

Yesterday started out bad, many small quarrels going here and there. But everything went smoothly aftermath.

Special thanks to those who turn up!
Kraven Nyio, Lim Shu fen, Tan Wei Ying, Angela Low, Tan Yingying, PingLing, Joan Lee, Damian Tan and Tessa Tan! ♥♥♥

I really love the presents. Thank you much!

Was feeling quite down due to the small quarrels, and while i was preparing to head out, my phone rang. It was an unknown number.
The moment i answered the call, my house door open, i got the shock out of my life.
It's E, and LW!!! So nice of them, to appear at my door with a cake and a card on their hand. :)))
Thanks everyone for the surprises, i really enjoyed myself. Shall let the pictures do all the talking!

Love the cakes.

She's two months pregnant! WHO IS THE FATHER?! lol

Tessa, the hair model. Hahaha

And thanks to those for the wishes,
Alvin, Qianhui, Nicole, Weiying, Tessa, Joan, Andela, Yingying, Ak, Maddhs, Joey, Wuming, Damian, Shufen, Hweeting, Edison, LiWen, Ahgurl, Carrian, Joanna, Liling, Kiawei, Nicholas and Hanping! (Although you just wished me a second ago, still thank you for it! Tee hee, love!)

Hey love, thanks for going all the way down to Sim Lim just to get my present. :) And i know how you feel, because everyone keep asking you many questions. You know how i feel now? I'm always the organizer. Well anyway, everything's over. And i enjoyed myself, very much. Thanks for everything, i love you!!!

I really don't know what to do without you. You'll always be in my heart!!! Thanks for hearing me out everytime, extra loves for you again! :)

Last but not least, Tok Wen Jie, thanks for wishing me not on the dot. Hahaha

Anyways, thanks everyone for the wishes and surprises, i really sppreciate everything! Many many loves for all of you! XOXOXO(((:

PS: Happy Belated Birthday to Xinhao & Weeseng.


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