Perspective of life?
Hello world! Yours truly is here to share my feelings with ya! Yes ok, i know you would not be interested but anyway, i just had this random thoughts and emotions right now.

First of all, don't you all think the world is amazing?! Take a grasshopper for example, do you know that they have ears, on their legs! It's so cool right. And i really feel that everyone should treasure the people around them now. Don't you think it's fate that we are what we are now? For instant, if it isnt fate, i would not be here typing out my emotions. Yeah, everything is so amazing..
Anyhow, i also think this sentence from 'One more moment' by Ronin is so true. It goes like this, "Don't take too long to say i love you to the ones you love, cause time has a habit of slipping away.." You know, we don't know what is gonna happen to us the next day. Or even the next moment. And life's like this. People tend to take things for granted, and will only learn how to cherish after losing something. They often complain, and are never contented with what they have.
Think out of the box.
There are millions of people somewhere out there who are less fortunate, so why are we still complaining?
If you feel that you're one unlucky soul, that nobody cares about you and your feelings, remember, tomorrow will definitely be a better day! What matters most is, staying happy. (:
Oh my tian! It's 6.10 am already. Time to get back for my drama. Good night, or rather, good morning everybody! Hahaha

First of all, don't you all think the world is amazing?! Take a grasshopper for example, do you know that they have ears, on their legs! It's so cool right. And i really feel that everyone should treasure the people around them now. Don't you think it's fate that we are what we are now? For instant, if it isnt fate, i would not be here typing out my emotions. Yeah, everything is so amazing..
Anyhow, i also think this sentence from 'One more moment' by Ronin is so true. It goes like this, "Don't take too long to say i love you to the ones you love, cause time has a habit of slipping away.." You know, we don't know what is gonna happen to us the next day. Or even the next moment. And life's like this. People tend to take things for granted, and will only learn how to cherish after losing something. They often complain, and are never contented with what they have.
Think out of the box.
There are millions of people somewhere out there who are less fortunate, so why are we still complaining?
If you feel that you're one unlucky soul, that nobody cares about you and your feelings, remember, tomorrow will definitely be a better day! What matters most is, staying happy. (:
Oh my tian! It's 6.10 am already. Time to get back for my drama. Good night, or rather, good morning everybody! Hahaha
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