Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's usually the same old problem that lies with me.

Thank God that i'm able to type like usual. [:
Yes, i hurt my hand. Or rather, palm. Don't ask, the thought of
the situation once again really scares me out. As you know, the saucepan was metal. Even the handle. I guess you could roughly know what happened. Ofcourse it was painful&i thought real deep abt it. I asked myself what was God purpose for planning all these. I thought abt how am i gna write in class&especially church, cellgroup, etc. I was devasted about it. All of a sudden i just felt like crying it out loud. Everything; every misery&agony thats' lying within my heart. It was terrible at first/
A moment it's numb, a moment it isnt. My mood totally went down. What's more, it was just the starting of day. Imagine how ruined it was. I then realise that it was really difficult without a hand. :/
I got back my results for Lit. I passed but i'm still unsatisfied with the outcome. > 17/25
When Mrs Cheng called out those pupil's name & announced that the rest passed, shufen yelled 'yay' so loud luh. She seemed so happy~ ha
Weiying failed. So i told her that she shld trust God like what i did. That day we took the test she said she would definitely fail&i told her that i beleive i will pass.
This proves that with God, all things are possible. ^ ^
Recess, qian asked me to help her get a drink, i showed her my wound& she still pressed the coin unto my hand. It really hurts alright. ):
Word Power Test was then postponed to next tuesday?
Chinese period arrived, The teacher was back again. Wonder whether she's our teacher or Huang Lao Shi on Mc. I hope She's not. The class didnt really like her. >:/
Then came Maths, the eight of us aint going out anymore. Staying in Mrs Ho's class from now on. She wrote in the record book that class was well-behaved today.
Miss Tan's period was next. Everyone was elated&waiting to see Miss Tan's reaction.
She said nothing much in the end. Also, dicussed about something. Like-
' Labelling or Facts ' Which is, Like people say words that hurt you or something. Urgh, it's hard to explain over here laa. But i wrote; ' Ian Lim called me Giraffe '.
If only humans understand what one another are thinking, there wouldn't be mean words?
But a pity, they don't.

Okay, last saturday's pic.
My friend, i mean, Mojo, Melvin- He created this poster to commerate Steve Irwin.
&he even came up with this Action that got Amanda so high in it.
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For more interesting stuff; go http://tan-melvin.blogspot.com/
I seriously love his funiness laaa. Wahahaha
Also, Amanda's new tatoo, it was superrr. :D
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