Thursday, October 26, 2006

School has ended, how tragic. *smiles*

Alright. Supposingly, i shldnt be blogging over here right now. But i'm compromisizing because Audition is downdown! Tragic, huh?
It's so disrupting alright. &where am i suppose to start with, aye,
today's th last day of school. Exceptional for Saturday, to collect results.
We had many talks going on these few days. All in this After-exam programme.
Let me have th honour to brief about what happened.
Yesterday was th - Maths&Science Trial&today was th - 'No Apologies'.
Sick of School's hall, have been sitting there for hours because of those talks.
How detesting.
Let me strat with yesterday ..
Th weather was super sorching hot.
Had distributted booklets to us to accomplished the games they organised.
We visited places like The Arts House, Anderson Bridge, Esplanade, New/Old Parliament&cilvilisation museum ..
Many interesting stuff like How Raffles found Singapore, etc.
We really took serious attitude in this Trail, although we did copied ..
I was really fascinated by th tree that rains. I finally get to see it. (;
From far, it doesnt looks like it's raining. But when you stand underneath it, you're sure to be amazed. Cute!
Actually th trail was quite boring mainly because we've been there before.
Had those questions in th booklets finished, and we only got 41 points! We almost got all correct please? ..
Mr Chia was from my church and he had always been a good teacher to me.
He was furious that day. Shouted at JiaMung csz of that thing. Perhaps i shouldn't bring it up anymoree lah, let bygones be bygones. Heh

&Today's; - No Apologies
It's all about living life with no apologies?
at first we thought we would be staying in th hall, but thanks heaven, we're going back to respective classes. They gave us a book each, and nicely decorated too.
I wonder if they cost a bomb for that.
Inside were things&questions to be answered. And i saw something interesting ..

LOVE: is a devotion based on commitment & unselfish corcern for one another. It freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his or her good.
LUST: is an intense sexual urge or appetite, an overwhelming desire, a physical impulse.
INFATUATION: is an unrealistic or extravagant love or admiration appealing to th senses and impulses.
''Love waits, Lusts wants. Love can't wait to give what is true and honourable. Lust can't wait to take. Love mend, Lust hurts. Love is secure, Lust is selfish. Lust ends, Love lasts.''
The1st part was rather interesting to me, everyone was listening so ateentively to the instructor. But th 2nd part was rather dull, boring. It mainly talks about Love, Life and sex.
About making the right choices, and not thinking of consequences.
Miss Tan wanted Joan to attend, because she has a boyfriend! &that person is th ianlim, bully crow, bangala.

Counselling tmr, Despair or Rejoice? :/


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